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Earth CARE(i) Framework

❏    ecological justice: focusing on social-ecological integration, food security, soil regeneration, and “living well” as opposed to “living better” (sumak kawsay);


❏    cognitive justice: identifying the limits of current paradigms and creating new ‘dispositions of engagement’ with mainstream and alternative knowledge systems and technologies;


❏    affective justice: recognizing our collective need for healing from historical and inter-generational trauma, prioritizing collective well-being;


❏    relational justice: dismantling divisions caused by inherited social, cultural, economic and epistemological hierarchies that hinder symmetrical relationships;


❏    economic justice: analyzing and acting upon the systemic reproduction of inequalities through unjust systems of trade, governance and value production, while identifying viable possibilities for economic dignity; and,


❏    intergenerational justice: securing relationships and forms of organization that can uphold the health and wellbeing of present and future generations

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